October 2022
CR 2022-10-0185
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) resolution No.2022-06-012. Entitled: "A Resolution approving, certying and confirming the graduates of 2nd semester academic year 2021-2022(June 27, 2022)of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0186
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) resolution No.2022-06-013. Entitled: " A Resolution approving the collection of special order (SO)fee from the graduating students in the amount of Php.450.00 for non- medical related programs and Php.500.00 for medical related programs effective 2nd semester academic year 2021-2022.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0187
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) resolution No.2022-06-014. Entitled: " A Resolution approving the collection of additional CAV fee in the amount of Four Hundred Ten Pesos (Php.410.00) per CAV request effective 2nd semester academic year 2021-2022."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0188
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City, Board of Trustees(BOT) Resolution No. 2022-06-015, Entitled: A Resolution Amending Resolution No.2020-05-036 of the Board of Trustees of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) , Tangub City to read as ammended:" A Resolution approving the escalatedplag scan fee of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) resolution No.2022-06-016. Entitled: to read as amended: " A Resolution appproving the creation and composition of the research editorial board of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City".
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0190
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-06-017.Entitled:" A Resolution amending GADTC BOT Resolution No. 2018-06-049 to read as amended: " Resolution Approving the Honorarium of the members of the research editorial board in the amount of Four Thousand Five Hundred Pesos(PHPP.4,500.00) per manuscript for the editor - in- chief - , Three thousand Five Hundred Pesos(PHP.3,500.00) per manuscript for associate editor and One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PHP.1,500.00) per manuscript for in house evaluator."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0191
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-06-018.Entitled:" A Resolution amending GADTC Board of Trustees Resolution No.2020-03-013 to read as amended: " A Resolution Amending the research manual of Governor Alfonso D. Tan college(GADTC), Tangub City".
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0192
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-06-019.Entitled:" A Resolution amending GADTC Board of Trustees Resolution No.2015-07-047 Entitled: "A Resolution Amending Board of Trustees Resolution No. 2014-07-27 to read as ammended :" A Resolution Increasing the Grant of Emergency Load from Eighty Pesos per unit to One Hundred Pesos(P100.00)per hour to be charged from the Personal Services of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC) ,Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0193
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-06-020.Entitled:" A Resolution Approving the faculty deloading effective academic year 2022-2023".
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0194
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-021.Entitled:" A Resolution Adopting and Accepting the report /update/orientation rendered by the College President , Dr. Maricelle M. Nueva."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0195
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-022.Entitled:" A Resolution Approving , Certifying, and confirming the Graduates of summer 2022(July 22,2022) including the Latin and Academic Honors of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC),Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0196
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-023.Entitled:" A Resolution Approving the change of the Signatories of Senior High School, Land Bank of the Philippines Account, Ozamis Branch from Jennifer Wee Tan and Maricelle Mercader Nueva to Sabiniano S. Canama Board of Trustees Chairman and Maricelle M. Nueva , College President respectively."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0197
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-024.Entitled:" A Resolution confirming, affirming and concurring the new organizational structure, designation and committees for 1st semester academic year 2022-2023 of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0198
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-025.Entitled:" A Resolution Appproving the Offering of Refresher course for Institute of Criminology effective first semester academic year 2022-2023."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0199
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-026.Entitled:" A Resolution Appproving the Collection of Fees for Feasibility Study Defense effective 1st semester academic year 2022-2023."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0200
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-027.Entitled:" A Resolution confirming the memorandum of agreement entered into by the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City represented by the College President , Dr. Maricelle M. Nueva and the reserve officer training corp.(ROTC) represented by the 903 community defense center (CDC)director major Khadaffy A. Tawantawan, for the establishment of National Service Training Program(NSTP) at GADTC."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0201
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-028.Entitled:" A Resolution Authorizing the President of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC) Tangub City, Dr. Maricelle M. Nueva on behalf of the College to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement among the Local Government Unit of Tangub City, represented by the Mayor, Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama, the Department of Information and Communication and Technology (DICT) , represented by its Provincial Officer Engr.Eugene C. Raposala III, the Northwestern Mindanao State College of Science and Technology (NMSCST) represented herein by its President, Dr. Herbert Glenn Reyes and the Department of Science and Technology- Regional Office X, represented by its Regional Director in relation to the Development of a smarter City Program for Tangub City, Misamis Occidental."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0202
A Resolution adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College ( GADTC ) , Tangub City Board of Trustees (BOT) Resolution No.2022-09-029.Entitled:" A Resolution Approving the Purchase of Additional CCTV Units for Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) , Tangub City to be charged from the capital outlay of the college."
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0203
A Resolution Authorizing the City Mayor , Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama on behalf of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City to purchase Two (2) units of L300 Van, Two (2) units of Elf cargo truck and One (1) unit garbage compactor truck to support the various priority programs and projects of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0204
A Resolution authorizing the City Mayor , Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama to grant Financial assistance to St. Michael's High School in the amount of Fifty Thousand(PHP.50,000.00) in consideration for their cultural dance performance on September 29, 2022 and to be charged from the City Mayor's Office.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0204-A
A Resolution Expressing the sincere sympathy and deep condolences of the 16th Sangguniang Panlungsod and officialdom of the City Government of Tangub to the bereaved family of the late former City Councilor Lilia Gran Conol of Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0204-B
A Resolution Authorizing Aldrie V. Codilla, Administrative aide-1 of the City mayor's Office to process closure of Business Regidtration of City Café 1 and City Café 2 and for the cancellation of permit to use sales machine.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0205
A Resolution Authorizing the City Mayor, Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama to enter into a memorandum of agreement on behalf of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City with DAKAK Beach Resort Corporation , Taguilon, Dapitan City represented herein by Archibald A. Cabilin, chief of finance as the venue of the Executive Legislative(ELA) meeting, City Fiesta Activities evaluation, christmas symbols festival planning, peace and order and public safety (POPS) planning on October 9-12,2022.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0206
A Resolution Respectfully requesting Honorable Henry S. Oaminal Provincial Governor of Misamis Occidental to extend financial assistance in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php.500,000.00) intended for the Tangub City's participationto the 93rd Pagsaulog sa Misamis Occidental and Perangat Festival during the Month long celebration on November 2022.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0207
A Resolution Authorizing the City Mayor, Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama on behalf of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City to enter into a memorandum of agreement(MOA) with the Governor of the Province of Misamis Occidental , Hon. Henry S. Oaminal relative to the financial assistance in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (PHP.5000,000.00) for Tangub City participation to the 93rd Pagsaulog sa Misamis Occidental and festival during month long celebration on November 2022.
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0209
A Resolution Approving Ordinance No. 001 series of 2022 of Barangay Hoyohoy, Tangub City Entitled: " Usa ka Ordinansa nga nag-re-align ug budget gikan sa Promotion of Culture and Arts ( DALIT) nga nagkantidad ug Thirty Five Thousand Pesos (Php.35,000.00) Santacruzan and Sobre Mesa summer fair nga nagkantidad ug Ten Thousand Pesos(Php.10,000.00) ug light parade participation/charter anniversary queen nga nagkantidad ug Five Thousand Pesos (Php.5,000.00) para sa Asenso Barangay Competation".
Approval date: Oct.4, 2022
CR 2022-10-0210
A Resolution Approving Ordinance No. 002 series of 2022 of Barangay Hoyohoy, Tangub City Entitled: " Usa ka Ordinansa nga nag re-align ug budget gikan sa resettlement area/housing project nga nagkantidad ug Two Hundred Thousand (Php.200,000.00) para sa Asenso Barangay Competation.
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0211
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No. 1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay V, Tangub City amounting to Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (PHP.300,000.00).
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0212
A Resolution approving the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Annual Budget for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Hoyohoy, Tangub City amounting to Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Three Hundred Ten and 60/100(Php.260,310.60)
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0213
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No.1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Labuyo, Tangub City amounting to Eight Hundred Sixty- Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Seven Pesos and Fifteen Centavos.(Php.867,577.15).
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0214
A Resolution Approving Resolution No. 007-2022 San Antonio, Tangub City Entitled: " A Resolution Endorsing the Additional Program/Projects/Activities of the 3-year Barangay Development Plan CY 2020-2022 OF Barangay San Antonio to the Sangguniang Barangay or Barangay Council approval as follows:1. Cash Gift; 2. Other Honorarium;3.Travelling Allowance;4. Power Maintenance; 5. Fidelity Bond Renewal".
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0215
A Resolution Granting One Hundred (100)Liters per month as fuel subsidy to the coast guard substation at Barangay Silanga, Tangub City through the station commander CG LTSG Carlos Barnie Q. Bayeta, charged to the City Mayor's Office.
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0216
Resolution Approving Ordinance No.2022-09-001 of Barangay Owayan Entitled: Ordinansa nga ipatuman sa Barangay Owayan, Tangub City nga ginadili ang pagtigway sa mga hayopan daplin sa kalsada.
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0217
A Resolution Approving Ordinance No. 2022-09-002 of Barangay Owayan Entitled: Ordinansa nga ipatuman sa Barangay Owayan, Tangub City ang obligasyon sa tag-balay sa paghinlo sa ilang panimalay.
Approval date: Oct.18, 2022
CR 2022-10-0235
A Resolution Adopting Local Development Council Resolution No. 06-2022:" A Resolution Appproving the list of program, projects and activities (PPAs) under supplemental investment program no.4 of the City of Tangub for calendar year 2022 and endorsing it to the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Tangub City for approval
Approval date: Oct.19, 2022
CR 2022-10-0236
A Resolution Approving the LDC Resolution No. 06-2022 Entitled: " A Resolution Adopting the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) CY 2023-2025 and Annual Investment Program (AIP) CY 2023 of the City of Tangub and endorsing it to the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Tangub for approval."
Approval date: Oct.19, 2022
CR 2022-10-0239
A Resolution Affirming, Confirming and concurring the Executive Order No. 39 series of 2022 Entitled: " An Order Establishing the Tangub City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (TCDRRMO)at Migcanaway, Tangub City and for this purpose, detailing its Operational Readiness and Disaster Preparedness.
Approval date: Oct.19, 2022
CR 2022-10-0241
A Resolution Adopting the CDRRM-Council Resolution No. 2022-02 Entitled:" A Resolution Approving the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) for year 2023 to be funded under the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund(LDRRMF) of Tangub City.
Approval date: Oct.19, 2022
CR 2022-10-0242
A Resolution Approving the Resolution No.6series of 2022 of Barangay Labuyo, Tangub City Entitled: "Resolution nga naghangyo sa Lokal nga pangagamhanan sa Tangub City nga gipanguluhan ni Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama nga ang luna nga nahimutang dapit sa Labuyo Elementary School nga gamiton sa Barangay Labuyo para tukoran ug Barangay Public Market.
Approval date: Oct.25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0243
A Resolution Adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City, Board of Trustees(BOT) Resolution No. 2022-09-030, Entitled: " Resolution Approving the Regularization Appointment of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC ) , to wit: Carin Z. Cabatingan-item No.150(Assistant Professor 11-SG 16;Rochelle May C. Encallada-item No. 117( Instructor 11-SG 13); Honeyvie R. Cere- Item No.34.30 (Instructor 1-SG 12);Ryan Ram G. Elesterio-Item No. 35.31(Instructor 1 SG-12);Christine Jane P. Amora -Item No. 36.32 (Instructor 1 SG-12); Joseph S. Seclot -Item No.72 (Instructor 1 SG-12); Redford M. Quiros-Item No.78(Instructor 1SG-12); Nova Joy S. Sarno-Item No. 79(Instructor-SG12);Lady June A. Villejo-Item No.80 (Instructor 1-SG12); and Jasmine R. Ocat-Item No. 81(Instructor 1-SG12)".
Approval date: Oct.25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0244
A Resolution Adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), Tangub City, Board of Trustees(BOT)Resolution No. 2022-09-031, Entitled: " A Resolution Approving the Promotional Appointment of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC), to wit: Preachy May S. Esin-Item No. 160(Assistant Professor 111-SG17);and Rosalina I. Loquias-Item No.134(Assistant Professor 1-SG15)|.
Approval date: Oct.25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0245
A Resolution Adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) Tangub City, Board of Trustees(BOT) Resolution No. 2022-09-032, Entitled: " A resolution Approving the Increase Rate of the Certified Public Accountant(CPA)as part time instructor of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC)from Two Hundred Fifty Pesos(P250.00) per hour to Php.500.00 per hour.
Approval date: Oct.25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0246
A Resolution Adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) Tangub City, Board of Trustees(BOT) Resolution No. 2022-09-034, Entitled" A Resolution Approving the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC) proposed budget for fiscal year 2023".
Approval date: Oct.25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0247
A Resolution Adopting the Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (GADTC) Tangub City, Board of Trustees(BOT) Resolution No. 2022-09-035, Entitled" A Resolution Authorizing the President of Governor Alfonso D. Tan College(GADTC) , Tangub City, Dr.Maricelle M. Nueva on behalf of the college to enter into memorandum of agreement with the Land Bank of the Philippines represented herein by its president and and chief executive officer, Cecilia C. Borromeo, through her duly Authorized representative, Ramil J. Mugot relevant to the online payment facility-link.BIZPORTAL".
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0248
A Resolution Amending City Resolution No. 2022-10-0203 to read as" A Resolution Authorizing the City Mayor, Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama on behalf of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City to Purchase Two (2) Units Multi-Purpose Vehicles, One(1)Unit Light Cargo Truck and One (1) Unit Garbage Compactor truck to support the various priority programs and projects of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City."
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0249
A Resolution Amending City Resolution No. 2022-10-08-0091 to read as" A Resolution Requesting Authority from the Regional Director of the Department of the Interior and Local Government(DILG-Region x)Regional Director Wilhelm M. Suyko to purchase Two(2)Units Multi-Purpose Vehicles, One(1)Unit Light Cargo Truck and One(1) Unit Garbage compactor truck to support the various priority programs and projects of the Local Government unit of Tangub City".
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0250
A Resolution Ratifying the Contract of Service entered into by the City Mayor, Hon.Sabiniano S. Canama on behalf of the Local Government Unit of Tangub City with Mr. Renie Sumalinog Dela Rama as a consultant for public information with monthly honorarium of Twenty-five Thousand Pesos (PHP.25,000.00)for a period of four months effective September 1,2022 to December 31, 2022.
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0251
A Resolution Authorizing the City Mayor Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama to sign into a contract of service with Jhunmard Agot, Anjelle Desmanos, Rzanette Lynn Guia,Stephen Pedrita, Jorel F. Jumamil and Paulo Kaamiño related to the Misamis Occidental 93rd Provincial Anniversary.
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0252
A Resolution Adopting the Executive - Legislative Agenda(ELA) for calendar year 2023-2025.
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0253
A Resolution authorizing the City Mayor, Hon. Sabiniano S. Canama to grant daily allowance to all field collectors of the City Treasurer's Office in the amount of One Hundred Pesos(PHP.100.00.)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0254
A Resolution Adopting the Promotion of Tourism Gastronomy in Tangub City
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0255
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No.1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Mantic, Tangub City amounting to Three Hundred Eighty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Eight Pesos and Twenty -Four Centavos(Php.387,588.24)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0256
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No.1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Hoyohoy, Tangub City amounting to Sixty-Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Pesos and Fifty-Seven Centavos(Php.67,978.57)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0257
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No.1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Taguite, Tangub City amounting to Two Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Pesos(Php.255,000.00)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0258
A Resolution Approving the Re-alignment of the Sangguniang Kabataan(SK) annual budget for calendar year 2022of Barangay Hoyohoy, Tangub City amounting to Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos(Php.22,500.00)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0259
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No.1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Capalaran, Tangub City amounting to Four Hundred Thousand Pesos(Php.400,000.00)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022
CR 2022-10-0260
A Resolution Approving the Supplemental Budget No.1 for Calendar Year 2022 of Barangay Banglay, Tangub City amounting to Three Hundred Thousand Pesos(Php.300,000.00)
Approval date: Oct. 25, 2022