Accessing Technical Assistance on Soil Testing

The City Agriculture Office provides soil testing such that farmers will know the needed kind and volume of either organic or synthetic fertilizers in a given area prior to planting.

Office or Division: City Agriculture Office / Operation Services Division
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen
Who May Avail: Farmers

1. One (1) kilo dried & well pulverized soil taken at the farm area to be planted.

Land area to be planted

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Submit the soil sample to the officer of the day and sign the visitors Logbook.    
Agency Action: Give the visitors logbook and assist the client and turn over the soil sample to the soil test kit in-charge.    
Fees to be Paid: None    
Processing Time: 3 Minutes
Person Responsible: Agricultural Technologist I at City Agriculture Office
2 Client Steps: Wait for the result.    
Agency Action: The soil test kit in-charge shall analyse the soil sample and give the result with the recommended rate and kind of fertilizer.    
Fees to be Paid: None    
Processing Time: 3 Hours    
Person Responsible:  Agricultural Technologist I at City Agriculture Office

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 3 Hours, 3 Minutes