Conduct of Earthquake Drill

The conduct of earthquake drill is a regular quarterly activity mandated by law under (RA10121) known as “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010” to be observed by Schools, National Offices, Local Government Units and Private Companies. This is to prepare the students, employees, and other stakeholdders in the event when natural disaster occurs. 
The disaster risk reduction and management office is one of the offices that can be tapped for assistance regarding this matter.

Office or Division: City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government; G2B – Government to Business
Who May Avail: Government / Business establishment

1. Letter request from Requesting Agency

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Call / Inform the disaster operation center.
Agency Action: Receive the letter request and verify if requested date is vacant for assistance in the conduct of earthquake drill .
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes    
Person Responsible: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management  Officer – IV at City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
1.1 Client Steps: Submit letter request
Agency Action: If requested date is available inform client of the orientation one day before earthquake drill.
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management  Officer – IV at City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
1.2 Client Steps: Sign Visitors Logbook
2 Client Steps: Attend the orientation  and organized different committees  
Agency Action: Discuss/ demonstrate all the steps or sequence in the conduct of earthquake drill orientation and inform client of different materials needed in the actual drill.    
Fees to be Paid: None    
Processing Time: 4 Hours    
Person Responsible: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer – IV at City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
3 Client Steps: Participate in  the   earth quake drill  as well as in the evaluation      
Agency Action: Observe in the conduct  of earthquake drill, and submit  evaluation  form to the head/officer of the requesting party after evaluation    
Fees to be Paid: None    
Processing Time: 3 Hours    
Person Responsible: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer – IV at City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 7 Hours,  5 Minutes