COVID 19 Service

The City Health Office offers consultation and examination to those individuals suspected to COVID-19. This services are available Monday to Friday during office hour.

Office or Division: Covide-19 Division
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizen
Who May Avail: All


  1. Valid ID (Original) from LGU, LTO, Post Office
  2. Philhealth ID (Original) (If Applicable) from the Philhealth Office
  3. Official receipt (Original) from the City Treasurer's Office
Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Go to the employee in-charge for COVID - 19 Consultation
Agency Action: Get the data from the patient
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 10 Minutes
Person Responsible: Public Health Nurse from the City Health Office
1.1 Agency Action: Fill out patient's ITR
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Public Health Nurse from the City Health Office
1.2 Agency Action: Get the ITR from file (for those who availed) of other health services in the past
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Public Health Nurse from the City Health Office
1.3 Agency Action: Get the patient's vital signs
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Public Health Nurse from the City Health Office

Client Steps: Proceed to the City Treasurer's Office
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Local Treasury Operations Officer V from the City Treasurer's Office


Client Steps: Pay the COVID Rapid Antibody Test kit fee and get the official receipt
Agency Action: Receive payment and issue OR
Fees to be Paid: Negative Result = PHP 1,500.00

                            Positive Result = Free
Processing Time: 15 Minutes
Person Responsible: Local Treasury Operations Officer V from the City Treasurer's Office

3 Client Steps: Proceed to Laboratory room for COVID Rapid Antibody Testing
Agency Action: Get the filled-out COVID form and the Official Receipt and record to the logbook
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 30 Minutes
Person Responsible: Medical Technologist from the City Health Office
3.1 Client Steps: Give the COVID form and the Official Receipt to the Laboratory Aide
Agency Action: Perform the COVID Rapid Antibody Testing
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Medical Technologist from the City Health Office
4 Client Steps: Go to the doctor's office for examination and counselling
Agency Action: Explain the result to patient
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 20 Minutes
Person Responsible: City Health Officer from the City Health Office
4.1 Agency Action: For Negative Result, counselling will be done to patient and give prescriptions
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: City Health Officer from the City Health Office
4.2 Agency Action: For Positive Result, refer the patient to higher institution for Confirmatory testing, RT - PCR
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: City Health Officer from the City Health Office
5 Client Steps:For Negative Result: Proceed to dispensing to get the medicines
Agency Action: For Negative Result: Get the prescription and sign in the logbook and give the medicines
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 10 Minutes
Person Responsible: Public Health Nurse from the City Health Office
5.1 Client Steps: For Positive Result: Wait while referral arrange is done
Agency Action: For Positive Result: Arrange the referral to higher institution
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 30 Minutes
Person Responsible: Public Health Nurse from the City Health Office

Total Fees to be Paid: PHP 1,500.00
Total Processing Time: For Negative Result: 1 Hour and 3 Minutes

                                        For Positive Result: 1 Hour and 23 Minutes