Provision of Technical Assistance to Barangays

This service is extended to all 55 barangays of the City in their Sectoral ( Macro, Social, Infrastructure & Economic) technical concerns.

Office or Division: City Planning and Development Office
Classification: Highly Technical
Type of Transaction: G2G-Government to Government
Who May Avail: Punong Barangays or their representatives

1. Letter request from the Punong barangay from the Punong Barangay concerned

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Sign in the Client Log Book at PACD
Agency Action: Give the log book to the client with instruction to proceed to the CPDC​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 3 Minutes
Person Responsible: Public Assistance & Complaints Desk Officer(PACD)
2 Client Steps: Submit the request and explain the concern to the CPDC​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Validate the request and schedule site inspection(if applicable)​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 15 Working Days
Person Responsible:  City Planning and Development Coordinator from the City Planning and Development Office
2.1 Agency Action: Call and refer to the Punong Barangay for the recommendations/ assistance to be rendered​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible:  City Planning and Development Coordinator from the City Planning and Development Office
3 Client Steps: Return to City Planning and Development Office and get the​​​​​​​ recommendations and/or technical output​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Convey recommendations and/or release technical output​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 15 Minutes
Person Responsible:  City Planning and Development Coordinator from the City Planning and Development Office
4 Client Steps: Sign the logbook​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Give the logbook to client for signing​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 2 Minutes
Person Responsible:  City Planning and Development Coordinator from the City Planning and Development Office

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 15 Working Days and 20 Minutes