Provisions of Special Social Services for Children and Youth
The City Social Welfare & Development Office provides assistance to children and youth below 18 years old whose basic needs are deliberately unattended by their parents or are victims of any form of abuse.
Office or Division: City Social Welfare and Development Office
Classification: Complex
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizen; G2G - Government to Government
Who May Avail:
- Abandoned/neglected children
- Physically/sexually abused children
- Street children
- Victims of rape, incest and acts of lasciviousness
- Children in conflict with the Law
- Barangay Personnel
For Abandoned/ Neglected Children
- Barangay Incident Report (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Barangay Office
- Police Blotter (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Philippine National Police (PNP) Office
- Medical Certificate (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the City Health Office / Hospital
- Picture of the children (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Barangay Office / City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO)
- Birth Certificate if available (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Client / City Civil Registrar‘s Office
- Foundling Certificate if no Birth Certificate (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the City Civil Registrar Office
For Physically / Sexually abused Children Victim of Rape, Incest, and acts of Lasciviousness
- Police Blotter or Affidavit of Complaint (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Philippine National Police Office
- Birth Certificate (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Client / City Civil Registrar‘s Office
- Medical Certificate (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the City Health Office / Hospital
- Barangay Certification (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Barangay Office
- Marriage Contract if applicable (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Client
- Psychological Report if applicable (1 original and 2 photocopies) Psychologist
For Children/minors in conflict with the Law
- Police Blotter or Police Report (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Philippine National Police Office
- Medical Certificate (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the City Health Office / Hospital
- Birth Certificate (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Client / City Civil Registrar‘s Office
- Marriage Contract if applicable (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Client
- Copy of Complaint (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Philippine National Police (PNP) Office or Courts of Justice
- Picture if necessary (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Client / City Social Welfare Development Office
- Psychological Report if applicable (1 original and 2 photocopies) from the Psychologist
Steps | Service Details |
For Abandoned/ Neglected Children | |
1 | Client Steps: Any person who has knowledge of the case will report to Barangay for immediate assistance. Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 2 Hours Person Responsible: BCPC / BARANGAY COUNCIL |
2 | Client Steps: With the assistance of the Barangay Official, report the case to the CSWD for appropriate intervention. (Client should also report the case to the PNP for blotter and rescue, if applicable) Agency Action: Receive and record the report and provide the list of necessary documents to support the case. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
3 | Client Steps: Barangay to provide initial support services to the children. Agency Action: Conduct follow-up and home visits to the children. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 90 days (IRR of R.A. 9523, Section 7) Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer -I / or SWO II (in coordination with the barangay council / or the identified foster parents) |
3.1 | Client Steps: Identify relatives/ foster parents to take custody of the children while assessment processes for appropriate intervention. Agency Action: If with relatives, provide support services while children are in their custody Simultaneously, the office will trace and locate parents at their last known address, if any, within 3 consecutive months, as provided in the IRR of RA 9523, Section 7 Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 2 Hours Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer -I / or SWO II (in coordination with the barangay council / or the identified foster parents) |
3.2 | Client Steps: Submit child for a medical check-up to determine health condition and determine the age of the child if the birth certificate is not available. Agency Action: If unlocated within 3 months, the office will prepare a Social Case study report and file a petition for involuntary commitment to the court that the child will be placed under the care & custody of the DSWD. The office will apply to LCR for the issuance of a Foundling Certificate in favor of the child Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 21Hours Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I / or SWO II (Social Worker) |
Total Fees to be Paid: None |
Total Processing Time: 90 Days and 6 Hours
For Physically / Sexually abused Children Victim of Rape , Incest and acts of Lasciviousness | |
1 | Client Steps: Parents/relatives will bring the victim for Confidential Interview. Agency Action: Accommodate the victim and provide appropriate intervention Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
2 | Client Steps: The minor and parents/relatives will cooperate in the interview Agency Action: Conduct the interview, inform client/guardian of the documents needed to support the case if filed for court proceedings (police blotter, medical certificate, birth certificate, marriage contract if incest case), and orient the victim/family what would transpire during the pendency of the case Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
3 | Client Steps: Secure required documents Agency Action: Receive & review requirements / documents submitted Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 30 Minutes Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
3.1 | Agency Action: Give client schedule of home visit and follow -up. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 5 Minutes Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
4 | Client Steps: File complaint either at the barangay/ PNP/Court Agency Action: Assist client in all the proceedings either at the Barangay, PNP, or the Courts, based on set schedules Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: Depends on the nature of the case and the applicable law, (Presidential Decree No. 1508 otherwise known as the Katarungang Pambarangay Law; the Philippine National Police Operational Procedures; and the A.M. No. 19 - 10 -20 -SC, otherwise known as the Revised Rules of Court) Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
Total Fees to be Paid: None |
Total Processing Time: 1 Day, 1 Hour, 35 Minutes (excluding on the provision of the Special Law)
For Children/minors in conflict with the Law | |
1 | Client Steps: PNP to conduct initial intervention: Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day Person Responsible: PNP Helpdesk |
1.1 | Client Steps: Bring the minor to the Police Station Women & children Help desk. Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: PNP Helpdesk |
1.2 | Client Steps: Record the minor into the separate logbook Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: PNP Helpdesk |
1.3 | Client Steps: PNP to conduct an initial investigation and notify the CSWD of the case. Agency Action: Receive the notification of the minor‘s apprehension Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: PNP Helpdesk |
1.4 | Client Steps: PNP to locate the parents and inform them about the minor‘s apprehendsion. Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: PNP Helpdesk |
1.5 | Client Steps: PNP to submit victim for medical examination Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: CHO/DMDTMH |
1.6 | Client Steps: If the offense is victimless, refer the case to the CSWD for intervention Agency Action: Receive the information of the case and the minor for further assessment Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
1.7 | Client Steps: If the offense is with the victim, the minor will undergo a diversion program Agency Action: CSWD to conduct interviews and provide discernment tools. Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
2 | Client Steps: The minor will answer the Discernment Tools Agency Action: Assist the minor in responding to the tools in layman dialect Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
2.1 | Agency Action: Conduct an initial assessment of the case using the result of the discernment tools. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 30 Minutes Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
2.2 | Agency Action: Notify the Barangay Chairman and Council of the case, and forward and discuss the Report on the discernment tools to the Barangay. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 30 Minutes Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
3 | Client Steps: BCPC receive the Report and visit CSWD Office Agency Action: Conduct the Joint Case Conference with the BCPC, the complainant, and the minor and his/her family or guardians Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
3.1 | Agency Action: Prepare Custody Supervision Agreement to be signed by the minor, parents and the Barangay chairman. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: BCPC Chairmain & Secretary |
4 | Client Steps: Barangay to record the case into their logbook. Agency Action: Return the minor to the parents/barangay for the 45 days diversion program. (Amended guidelines for Diversion Program of R.A. 9344) Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 45 (Amended guidelines for Diversion Program of R.A. 9344) Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer - I or SWO II |
5 | Client Steps: Barangay to supervise & implement the formulated Diversion Program for 45 days. Agency Action: Monitor the implementation of the diversion program Fees to be Paid: None Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer - I or SWO II |
5.1 | Client Steps: Minor & Parents will abide by the diversion program set for his Community rehabilitation Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None |
5.2 | Client Steps: If the minor showed satisfactory behavior and is compliant with the Diversion Program, the BCPC will submit the report to CSWD for the disposition of the case. Agency Action: CSWD received the report and prepares a terminal report for the disposition of the Court. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: PNP / SWO II |
5.3 | Client Steps: If the Diversion Program fails, the BCPC will submit report stating that Barangay Protective Services have been implemented and/or the case is beyond their jurisdiction, and the victim needs further intervention. Agency Action: The case will be returned to the PNP for the formulation of Diversion Program at their level to be implemented for another 45 days while the CSWD will continue monitoring and supervision the case. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 45 Days (R.A. 9344 amended IRR guidelines on diversion Program) Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.4 | Client Steps: If the Diversion Program at the PNP level fails, the PNP will submit report to the prosecutor‘s office on the status of the Diversion Program Agency Action: The prosecutor‘s office will interview the minor on the reasons for non-compliance with the Diversion Program, and, at his level, formulate another Diversion Program for another 45 days Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 45 Days (R.A. 9344 amended IRR guidelines on diversion Program) Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.5 | Client Steps: Minor & Parents will abide by the diversion program set for his Community rehabilitation Agency Action: CSWD will conduct counseling to the minor and his parents and assist PNP in the conduct of supervision over his activities, and submit to the court a Forensic Social Case Study Repor Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.6 | Client Steps: If the minor is not compliant with the Diversion Program at the prosecutor‘s level, OR if the minor committed a grave offense/heinous crime, and community placement is not possible, the prosecutor will file a Criminal Information against the minor to the Cour Agency Action: CSWD & PNP will jointly seek court commitment of the minor to Bahay Pag-asa for his temporary placement while his case is pending trial Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 2 Days Person Responsible: PNP, Cour,t and Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.7 | Client Steps: PNP to set day of actual travel to Bahay Pag-Asa, in coordination with the CSWD Agency Action: Prepare the needed documents to be used for the admission conference (SCSR, Medical, School records, parental consent, Birth/baptismal certificate) Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 3 Days Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.8 | Client Steps: Minor & Parents will abide by the diversion program set for his rehabilitation during the pendency of his/her case Agency Action: Court will render judgment on the minor‘s case recommend suspended sentence, to be served through community-based rehabilitation or center-based rehabilitation Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: Depends on the amount of time needed to terminate the case (RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, AS AMENDED; Juvenile Justice Welfare Act, R.A. No. 9344, as amended by R.A. No. 10630) Person Responsible: Court |
5.9 | Client Steps: For center-based rehabilitation program, PNP with the minor & his/her parents will send the minor to the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth (RRCY) for the minor‘s rehabilitation; Agency Action: CSWD will assist the minor and his parents during the admission conference at the RRCY Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 3 Days Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker), PNP |
5.10 | Client Steps: For minor undergoing community-based rehabilitation, the minor, his/her parents or relatives, and the BCPC will participate in the formulation of the Custody Supervision Agreement Agency Action: Prepare and discuss with the client the Custody Supervision Agreement Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker), BCPC |
5.11 | Client Steps: For minor under-going community-based rehabilitation, stay home for the scheduled visit Agency Action: Conduct home visit Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.12 | Client Steps: Minor should make himself/herself available during the home visit/follow-up and supervision Agency Action: Conduct monitoring and supervision to clients as stipulated in the Custody Supervision Agreement Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day per home visit Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.13 | Client Steps: Regular personal monthly Reporting to the Social worker Agency Action: Discuss with the minor update of his activities and record the progress of the minor‘s activities while on custody supervision Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
5.14 | Client Steps: Minor should comply with the Custody Supervision Agreement and display satisfactory behavior Agency Action: Prepare & submit approved Progress/Final report to Court Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 3 Hours Person Responsible: Social Welfare Officer-I or SWO II (Social Worker) |
Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 14 Days, 1 Hour (excluding on the provision of the Special Law)