Conduct Yearly Summer Dance Workshop

Conduct Yearly Summer Dance Workshop
The office provides programs and activities that promote the preservation of Filipino culture such as conducting/hosting summer folk dance workshops for the youth of Tangub mostly students from schools within Tangub City. Aspirants will undergo dance screening and the selected dancers will form part of the Sinanduloy core performers.

Office or Division: City Mayor‘s Office / Culture, Arts And Youth Affairs Office
Classification: Simple​​​​​​​
Type of Transaction: Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen​​​​​​​
Who May Avail: Dance Enthusiasts ( Age 11- 30 Years Old)

1. Birth Certificate from the LCR / Personal Copy

2. Medical Certificate that the Student is Physically Fit from the Medical Doctor (City Health Office).

3. Parental Consent for Minors from the Parents / Guardian.

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Contact or visit CAYAO for inquiries.​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Facilitate the inquiries​​​​​​​.
Fees to be Paid: None ​​​​​​​
Processing Time: 5 Minutes/ Person​​​​​​​
Person Responsible: Executive Assistant I of the Culture, Arts and Youth Affairs Office.
2 Client Steps: Training proper - fill up the registration form​​​​​​​.
Agency Action: Receive the accomplished registration form with attached documents.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes/ Person​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Executive Assistant I of the Culture, Arts and Youth Affairs Office.

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 10 Minutes