Payment of Other Fees

Collection of payment of other fees such as Electric Bill of the canteen tenants and other payment for use of facilities.

Office or Division: Cash Office
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2B - Government to Business; G2G – Government to Government
Who May Avail: All Tenants, All Citizens, Employees

1. Billing Statement (for canteen electric bill) from the IGP Office

2. Booking Form with Order of Payment (for use of facilities) from the GADTC-GSO

Steps Service Details

Client Steps: For Electrical Bill: Present the billing statement to the Cash Office

                       For use of Facilities: Present Booking Form with order of payment
Agency Action: Receive and check the data provided
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 3 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office


Client Steps: Pay the amount payable as required
Agency Action: Receive the payment and issue official receipt
Fees to be Paid: For Bill Statement: Depends on the amount payable

                             For the use of Facilities:

                                 Covered Court: Day Time = PHP 500.00/Hour (plus PHP300.00/Hour after 6pm)

                                 Midwifery/Crim/LET Review Room Rental = PHP 452.50/Hour

                                 Dona Maria Hall (Formerly VIP Lounge) Rental = PHP 1,560.00/Hour

                                 Jose Visitors Lounge (Formerly Student Lounge) Rental = Php 2,057.75/Hour

                                 Elena Activity Center (Formerly Activity Area) Rental = PHP 1,403.50/Hour

                                 AVR = PHP 1,000.00/Hour or PHP 1,500.00/Hour when using projector (Res. No. 2016-08-70)
Processing Time: 7 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office

3 Client Steps: Claim the official receipt of payment from the Cash Office
Agency Action: Entry payments to the system
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office

Total Fees to be Paid: Amount as assessed
Total Processing Time: 15 Minutes