Payment for Penalties of Late Enrollees

This service is for students who did not follow the specified schedule of enrolment except for first year and transferees are considered late enrollees. Charges will be paid by the student.

Office or Division: Cash Office
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizen
Who May Avail: Late enrollees to GADTC

1. Enrolment Form from the Registrar's Office

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Present the Enrolment Form to the Cash Office
Agency Action: Check the data provided
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office
1.1 Agency Action: Issue order of payment
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office
2 Client Steps: Pay the amount payable as required
Agency Action: Receive the payment and issue official receipt
Fees to be Paid: PHP 200.00
Processing Time: 15 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office
3 Client Steps: Claim the official receipt of payment
Agency Action: Entry payments to the system
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Aide II from the Cash Office

Total Fees to be Paid: PHP 200.00
Total Processing Time: 25 Minutes