Post Entrance Exam Interview

Post Entrance Exam Interview
This service will assess the student applicants who wish to be enrolled in GADTC after taking the admission exam. This is to verify if the student’s interest is in-line with the program he/she wishes to enroll in. The interview may be done groups of 5 student applicants.

Office or Division: Office of Student Affairs – Guidance and Admission Office
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C – Government to Citizen​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Who May Avail: All student applicants of GADTC who are eligible for Higher Education

1. Admission Slip from the Guidance and Admission Office

2. Admission Exam Results from the Guidance and Admission Office

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Present Admission Slip to secure the Admission Exam Results to the Guidance Officer​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Receive and write the Admission​​​​​​​ Exam Result on the Admission Slip with the interview schedule.  Advise student-applicant to proceed to the Guidance Officer.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 8 Minutes
Person Responsible: Guidance Coordinator of the Guidance and Admission Office
2 Client Steps: Proceed to the assigned Guidance Officer for an interview.​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Conduct post-admission interview​​​​​​​. Give the logbook​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None 
Processing Time: 1 Hour
Person Responsible:  Guidance Coordinator of the Guidance and Admission Office
3 Client Steps: Sign the Logbook​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Sign the admission slip and return it to the student applicant.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None 
Processing Time: 2 Minutes
Person Responsible:  Guidance Coordinator of the Guidance and Admission Office

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 1, hour, 10 Minutes