Membership to the Association and Issuance of Alumni ID

This service caters to all graduating students to be a lifetime member of the Association and assisting in all alumni who are members of the Alfonsos Alumni Association. Alumni ID will serve as a supporting document for personal identification. This will be used to gain access to GADTC Learning Resource Center and other alumni benefits

Office or Division: OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizen
Who May Avail: All GADTC Graduating Students and Alumni


  1. Accomplished Clearance for Graduating Students from the Registrar's Office
  2. Accomplished Alfonsos Alumni Information Sheet from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
  3. Accomplished Service Form from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
  4. Proof of Payment (if no payment made yet) from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Present the Clearance Sheet to the office on duty (for Graduating Students Only)
Agency Action: Check the completeness of the entries
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 2 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
1.1 Agency Action: Provide the Service Form
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
2 Client Steps: Fill-up and submit the Service Form
Agency Action: Receive and provide the Alfonsos Alumni Association Inc. Sheet
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
3 Client Steps: Fill-up and submit the Alfonsos Alumni Information Sheet
Agency Action: Receive and check the completeness of the entries of the form
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office

Agency Action: Issue Order of Payment
Fees to be Paid: Membership = PHP 200.00

                             Alumni ID = PHP 100.00
Processing Time: 5 minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office

4 Client Steps: Pay the amount payable
Agency Action: Receive payment and issue receipt
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 3 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
4.1 Agency Action: Affix signature on the clearance
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 2 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
4.2 Agency Action: Give the logbook
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
4.3 Agency Action: Access the database and input the record of the new member
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 2 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
5 Client Steps: Sign the Client's logbook
Agency Action: Advise the client to proceed to the City Hall for ID processing
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 10 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
5.1 Agency Action: Return the Clearance
Fees to be Paid: None
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
5.2 Agency Action: File the Alfonso Alumni Information Sheet
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible: Administrative Officer I from the OJT, Placement and Alumni Office
6 Client Steps: Receive the clearance and proceed to the City Hall, present the AAA ID Information Sheet to the office near the GSIS kiosk and the in charge will immediately release the Alumni ID after processing
Agency Action: None
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: None
Person Responsible: None

Total Fees to be Paid: Amount as assessed
Total Processing Time: 35 Minutes