Issuance of Building Permit

A building permit is required from an individual or enterprise before any construction, alteration, renovation or conversion can be done on their buildings and structures.
The permit becomes null and void if work does not start within one year from the date of permit. The same thing happens when work is suspended or abandoned at any time after it has started for a period of 120 days.

Office or Division: City Engineer’s Office (Office of the Building Official)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2G - Government to Government; G2B - Government to Business; G2C - Government to Citizen 
Who May Avail: All Filipino Citizens.

Preparatory Requirements: 

  1. Standard plans duly signed by Licensed Civil Engineer (Private Practice), 5 Copies (Blue Print) from the Commissioned Professional
  2. Permit Forms accomplished and signed by Private Licensed Civil Engineer, 5 copies from the Building Permit In-charge, City Engineer’s Office, Tangub City
  3. Bill of Materials & Cost Estimates also signed Licensed Civil Engineer (5 Copies) from the Commissioned Professional
  4. Current Real Property Tax Receipt (3 Copies)    from the Personal file of the Applicant
  5. Tax Declaration or TCT of Lot (3 Photocopies) from the City Assessor’s Office,1st Floor, City Hall, Tangub City or Personal file of the Applicant (if Applicable)
  6. If the applicant is not the Registered Owner of the lot (3 Copies Each) from the Lot Owner - (a)    Duly notarized copy of authorization from lot owner  & (b)    Duly notarized Contract of Lease or Deed of Absolute Sale or whichever applies    
  7. Structural Analysis for 2-Storey Buildings & Higher (3 Copies) from the Commissioned Professional
  8. Plumbing Design Analysis for Buildings with more than 2 Comfort Room (3 Copies) from the Commissioned Professional
  9. Boring & Load Tests for 3-Storey Buildings & Higher (3 Copies) from the Commissioned Professional
  10. Seismic Analysis (5 Copies) from the Commissioned Professional
  11. Barangay Construction Clearance (4 Copies) form the Barangay Office where the site is located
  12. Official Receipt of Building Permit Fee (3 Copies) from the City Treasurer’s Office,1st Floor, City Hall, Tangub City
  13. Zoning Clearance from the City Planning and Development Office, 2nd Floor City Hall, Tangub City
  14. Fire Clearance from the Office of the Fire and Protection, 1st Street, Tangub City
Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps: Visit the City Engineer’s Office (Office of the Building Official) and sign in the logbook.    
Agency Action: Request the client to sign in the logbook.    
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute
Person Responsible: Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
2 Client Steps: Proceed to the Building Permit Section In-Charge and notify the building permit In -charge of the proposed building construction.
Agency Action: Conduct briefing/interview to the client.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible: Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
2.1 Client Steps: Secure schedule of site visit for verification and inspection.    
Agency Action: Give schedule of site visit for inspection.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute
Person Responsible: Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
2.2 Agency Action: Advice the client to return to the office after inspection    
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
3 Agency Action: Conduct site visit.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Day
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
4 Client Steps: Return to Building Permit In-Charge and secure Building Permit form and checklist of requirements.    
Agency Action: Provide client Building Permit form and list of requirements.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office

Client Steps: Comply the requirements as stated in the checklist.    

6 Client Steps: Go back to the Building Permit In-charge and submit duly accomplished application form and the requirements to the employee in-charge.
Agency Action: Receive and review duly accomplished form and documents submitted.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
6.1 Client Steps: Secure the computation required for the Building Permit.
Agency Action: Provide client the computation of fees.
Processing Time: 30 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
6.2 Agency Action: Advice the client to proceed to the: (a) City Treasurer’s Office and pay the fees as computed. & (b) Bureau of Fire and Protection for Fire Safety Evaluation ​​​​​​​
Processing Time: 2 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office

Client Steps: Proceed to City Treasurer’s Office and pay the fees as computed​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  None
Fees to be Paid: Fees varies based on the revised and updated IRR of National Building Code (PD 1096).​​​​​​​


Building (Residential):

Floor Area in sq.m. Fee per sq.m.
Original complete construction up to twenty (20) sq.m. P 2.0
Additional/renovation/alteration up to twenty (20) sq.m. regardless of floor area 2.4
Above 20 sq.m. to 50 sq.m. 3.4
Above 50 sq.m. to 100 sq.m. 4.8
Above 100 sq.m. to 150 sq.m. 6.0
Above 150 sq.m. 7.2


Building (Commercial):

Floor Area in sq.m. Fee per sq.m.
Up to 500 sq.m. P 23.0
Above 500 to 600 22.0
Above 600 to 700 20.5
Above 700 to 800 19.5
Above 800 to 900 18.0
Above 900 to 1,000 17.0
Above 1,000 to 1,500 16.0
Above 1,500 to 2,000 15.0
Above 2,000 to 3,000 14.0
Above 3,000 12.0


Building (​​​​​​​Institutional):

Floor Area in sq.m. Fee per sq.m.
Up to 500 sq.m. P 12.0
Above 500 to 600 11.0
Above 600 to 700 10.2
Above 700 to 800 9.6
Above 800 to 900 9.0
Above 900 to 1,000 8.4
Above 1,000 to 1,500 7.2
Above 1,500 to 2,000 6.6
Above 2,000 to 3,000 6.0
Above 3,000 5.0


Plumbing (Every fixture with one unit):

Description Fee 
Installation of Fees, one (1) ‘UNIT’ composed of one (1) water closet, two (2) floor drains, one (1) lavatory, one (1) sink with ordinary trap, three (3) faucets and one (1) shower head. A partial part thereof shall be charged as that of the cost of a whole ‘UNIT’ 24.0


Plumbing (Every fixture in excess of one unit): 

Description Fee 
Each water closet 7.00
Each floor drain 3.00
Each sink 3.00
Each lavatory 7.00
Each faucet 2.00
Each shower head 2.00


​​​​​​​Plumbing (Special Plumbing Fixtures):

Description Fee 
Each slop sink 7.00
Each urinal 4.00
Each bath tub 7.00
Each grease trap 7.00
Each garage trap 7.00
Each bidet 4.00
Each dental cuspidor 4.00
Each gas-fired water heater 4.00
Each drinking fountain 2.00
Each bar or soda fountain sink 4.00
Each laundry sink 4.00
Each laboratory sink 4.00
Each fixed-tye sterilizer 2.00


​​​​​​​Plumbing (Each water meter):

Description Fee 
12 to 25 mm Ø  8.00
Above 25 mm Ø 10.00


​​​​​​​Plumbing (Construction of septic vault, applicable in all Groups):

Description Fee 
Up to five (5) cu. m. of digestion chamber 24.00
Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of five (5) cu. m. 7.00


Electrical (Electrical Fee):

Description Fee 
Each switch, lightings and/or convenience outlets P 1.5
Each master switch  24.0
Each branch circuits  3.0
*Installation Fee:



​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Electrical (Appliances for Commercial/Industrial use):

Description Fee 
Each range or heater: Up to 1 KW. 3.00
Every KW or fraction thereof in excess of 1 KW. 1.50
Each refrigerator orfreezer. 5.00
Each washing machine or dryer. 5.00
Each commercially used hair curling apparatus or hair dryer. 5.00
Each fixed-type electric fan. 3.00
Each electric typewriter, cash register or adding machine. 3.00


Electrical (Electrical equipment or apparatus for commercial/industrial use):

Description Fee 
Each electric bell, annunciator system. 5.00
Each arc (light) lamp. 5.00
Each flasher, beacon light. 5.00
Each X-Ray equipment. 30.00
Each fire alarm unit. 3.00
Each battery charging rectifier. 15.00
Each electric welder:
Up to 1 KVA/KW
Every KVA/KW or fraction thereof in excess of 1 KVA/KW
Each neon sign transformer.
Each neon sign transformer. 3.00
Each neon sign unit. 3.00


Electrical (Motion Picture Projector for commercial use):

Description Fee 
16mm, per unit. 80.00
35mm, per unit. 100.00
70mm and above, per unit. 180.00


Electrical (TV Cameras for commercial/industrial use):

Description Fee 
Per unit 50.00


Electrical (Motors and Controlling Apparatus, per unit):

Description Fee 
Up to .2 KW. 5.00
Above .2 KW up to 1KW. 10.00
Above 1 KW up to 5 KW. 20.00
Above 5 KW up to 10KW. 30.00
Above 10 KW up to 20 KW. 40.00
Every KW or fraction thereof above 20 KW. 2.00


Electrical (Generators/UPS Capacity (AC or DC), per unit):

Description Fee 
Up to 1 KW or less. 40.00
Above 1 KW up to 5 KW. 150.00
Above 5 KW up to 10 KW. 800.00
Every KW or fraction thereof in excess of 20 KW. 2,300
Plus 2.00 for every KW in excess of 1,000 KW.      


Electrical (Transformer and Sub-station Equipment):

Description Fee 
Each transformer up to 1 KVA. 3.00
For every KVA or a fraction thereof in excess of 1 KVA, up to 2,000 (bases on nameplate). 2.00
Each transformer above 2,000 KVA. 3,000.00
Each safety switch or circuit breaker up to 50 amperes and not exceeding 600 volts. 3.00
Each safety switch or circuit breaker, oil circuit breaker or vacuum circuit breaker, other than motor controlling apparatus, above 50 amperes up to 100 amperes, and not exceeding 600 volts. 5.00
For every 50 amperes or fraction thereof in excess of 100 amperes. 2.00
For every 10,000 amperes or fraction thereof of interruption capacity of every air circuit breaker, oil circuit breaker or vacuum circuit breaker operating above 600 volts. 5.00
Other electrical apparatus or appliances not otherwise provided for in this section:
Every KW or fraction thereof


Electrical (Temporary Service Power Connection):

Description Fee 
Temporary Service Power Connection Permit shall be issued for testing purposes only in commercial and/or industrial establishments for sixty (60) days, per KW requested. 2.00
Each temporary lighting or convenience outlet for celebrations, ferias or construction purposes. 1.50
Regular fees shall be charged and collected in accordance with the fees prescribed in this section.      
If no approval is issued within sixty (60) days, a new electrical permit shall be secured and all corresponding permit fees shall be paid.      


Electrical (Pole/Attachment Location Plan Permit):

Description Fee 
Approved Pole Location Plan Permit, per pole 30.00
Approved attachment Location Plan Permit, per attachment 30.00


Electrical (Installation Fees):

Use or character of Occupancy Fee
Residential 30.00
Commercial/Industrial 60.00


Electrical (Aggregate Connected Load):

Total Connected Load* Fee
Over 200 KVA to 1,000 KVA 6,325.00 + 15.00/KVA in excess of 200 KVA
Over 1,000 KVA 16,825.00 + 10.00/KVA in excess of 1,000 KVA


Electrical (Aggregate Transformer Capacity):

Installed Capacity Fee
5 KVA or less 40.00
Over 5 KVA to 50 KVA 40.00 + 5.00/KVA in excess of 5 KVA
Over 50 KVA to 300 KVA 625.00 + 4.00/KVA in excess of 50 KVA
Over 300 KVA to 1,000 KVA 1,265.00 + 3.00/KVA in excess of 300 KVA
Over 1,000 KVA 3,365.00 + 2.00/KVA in excess of 1,000 KVA


Electrical (Aggregate Generators/UPS Capacity):

Installed Capacity Fee
5 KVA or less 40.00
Over 5 KVA to 50 KVA 40.00 + 5.00/KVA in excess of 5 KVA
Over 50 KVA to 300 KVA 625.00 + 4.00/KVA in excess of 50 KVA
Over 300 KVA to 1,000 KVA 1,265.00 + 3.00/KVA in excess of 300 KVA

Over 1,000 


3,365.00 + 2.00/KVA in excess of 1,000 KVA

*Note: Aggregate generators/UPS capacity shall include all generators/UPS rated 5 KVA and above which are owned/installed by the Owner/Applicant.


Electrical (Accessory Fees):

Description Fee
Establishment of Line and Grade, all sides fronting or abutting streets, esteros, rivers and creeks, first ten (10) meters P24.00
Every meter (m) or fraction thereof in excess of ten (10) meters P2.40


Electrical (Ground Preparation and Excavation Fee):

Description Fee
Inspection and Verification Fee P 200.0
Per cu.m. of excavation 3.00
Issuance of GP & EP, valid only for thirty (30) days or suspended upon issuance of Building Permit 50.00
Per cu.m. of excavation for foundation with basement 4.00
Excavation other than foundation or basement, per cu.m. 3.00
Encroachment of footings or foundations of buildings/structures to public areas as permitted, per sq.m. or fraction thereof of footing or foundation encroachment 250.00


Electrical (Demolition/Moving of Buildings/Structures Fees, per sq.m. of area or dimensions involved):

Description Fee
Buildings in all Groups per sq.m. floor area 3.00
Building Systems/Frames or portion thereof per vertical or horizontal dimensions, including Fences 4.00
Structures of up to ten (10) meter in height 800.00
Every meter or portion thereof in excess of ten (10) meters 50.00
Appendage of up to three (3) cu.m./unit 50.00
Every cu.m. or portion thereof in excess of three (3) cu.m. 50.00
Moving Fee, per sq.m. of area of building/structure to be moved 3.00
7.2 Client Steps:  Bureau of Fire and Protection for Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance.​​​​​​​
Processing Time: 1 Day​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Bureau of Fire and Protection Chief from the Bureau of Fire and Protection
8 Client Steps:  Return to the Building Permit In-Charge and present the official receipt, clearance and other documents.    ​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Receive, record and return to the client the official receipt, clearance and other documents.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 5 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
8.1 Agency Action: Advice the client to return after processing.    ​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
9 Agency Action: Process the building permit.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Day​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer IV from the City Disaster, Risk, Reduction Management Office
Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office (Office of the Building Official)
PSO II from the City Engineer’s Office 
Engineer I from the Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College (Detailed Employee)
Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
9.1 Agency Action: Building Permit form is received and forwarded to Building Official for approval.​​​​​​​
Processing Time: 2 Minutes
9.2 Agency Action: Building Official approve the Building Permit.    ​​​​​​​
Processing Time: 10 Minutes
10 Client Steps:  Return to the Building Permit In-Charge and get the approved Building Permit.​​​​​​​
Agency Action: Release the approved Building Permit to the client and request the client to sign the releasing logbook.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
10.1 Client Steps:  Sign the releasing logbook.    ​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time: 1 Minute

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 3 Days, 1 Hour, 21 Minutes