Issuance of Electrical Permit

 An Electrical Wiring Permit is a requirement for installing, replacing, removing, connecting, disconnecting or repairing electrical works except replacing fuses, receptacles, switches and utilization equipment. On the other hand, a Certificate of Electrical Completion formally marks the completion of the project where the electrical inspector had inspected and agreed with the proper installation of electrical wirings.

Office or Division: City Engineer’s Office (Office of the Building Official)
Classification: Simple
Type of Transaction: G2G - Government to Government; G2B - Government to Business; G2C - Government to Citizen
Who May Avail: Client(s) who is/are applying for electrical permit on Indigenous Dwellings.


  1. Electrical Permit Form accomplished & signed by a Private Licensed Electrical Engineer.  4 copies, (1 Original Copy, 3 Xerox Copies) from the Building Permit In-charge, City Engineer’s Office, Tangub City
  2. Sketch Plan prepared by MOELCI-II accredited Electricians and duly signed by a Licensed Electrical Engineer (4 Copies) from a Commissioned Professional
  3. Bill of Materials & Cost Estimates prepared by Owner of the Indigenous Dwellings (4 Copies) from a Commissioned Professional
  4. Tax Declaration or TCT of Lot (3 Photocopies) from the City Assessor’s Office, 1st Floor, City Hall Building, Tangub City
  5. If the applicant is not the Registered Owner of the lot, the lot owner shall provide 3 copies each: (a)    Duly Notarized Copy of Authorized from Lot Owner. and (b)    Duly Notarized Copy of Lease or Deed of Absolute Sale    
  6. Barangay Construction Clearance (3 Copies) from the Barangay Office where the site is located
  7. Official Receipt of Electrical Permit Fee (2 Copies) from the City Treasurer’s Office, 1st Floor, City Hall Building, Tangub City
  8. Zoning Clearance from the City Planning and Development Office, 2nd Floor, City Hall Building, Tangub City
  9. Fire Clearance from the Bureau of Fire and Protection, 1st Street, Tangub City

*Note: Indigenous dwellings, as used in the National Building Code, means a dwelling intended for the use and occupancy by family of the owner only & constructed of native materials such as bamboo, nipa, logs or lumber, the total cost of which does not exceed fifteen thousand pesos (Php 15,000.00).

Steps Service Details
1 Client Steps:  Visit the City Engineer’s Office (Office of the Building Official).
Agency Action:  Request the client to sign in the logbook.    
Fees to be Paid:  None    
Processing Time:  1 Minute    
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
1.1 Client Steps:  Sign in the logbook.    
2 Client Steps:  Proceed to Building Permit In-Charge In-Charge and notify the Building Permit In-Charge for the proposed Electrical Installation.
Agency Action:  Conduct client interview and verification.
Fees to be Paid:  None
Processing Time:  5 Minutes
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
2.1 Client Steps:  Secure schedule of site visit for inspection and verification.​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  Give schedule for site visit inspection​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  1 Minute​​​​​​​
2.2 Agency Action:  Advice client to return to the office after the inspection.    ​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  None    
Processing Time:  1 Minute    
3 Agency Action:  Conduct site visit for inspection and verification.    ​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  1 Day    
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
4 Client Steps:  Return to the Building Permit In-Charge and secure Electrical Permit form and checklist of requirements.    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  Provide client the electrical permit form and checklist of requirements.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  None    ​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  2 Minutes    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
5 Client Steps:  Comply the requirements as stated in the checklist.    ​​​​​​​
6 Client Steps:  Return to the Building Permit In-Charge and submit duly accomplished application form and the requirements to the employee In-Charge.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  Received and review duly accomplished form and documents submitted.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  5 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible: Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
6.1 Client Steps:  Secure the computation of fees required for the Electrical Permit.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  Provide client the computation of fees.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  10 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible: Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
6.2 Client Steps:  Advice the client to proceed to: (a) City Treasurer’s Office and (b) Bureau of Fire and Protection.    ​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  ​​​​​​​None​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  2 Minutes​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office​​​​​​​

Client Steps:  Proceed to the City Treasurer’s Office and pay the fees as computed​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  Fees varies based on the revised and updated IRR of National Building Code (PD 1096).​​​​​​​

Electrical Fee:

Description Fee 
Each switch, lightings and/or convenience outlets P 1.5
Each master switch  24.0
Each branch circuits  3.0
*Installation Fee:

Processing Time:  15 Minutes
Person Responsible: Local Treasury Operation Officer V from the City Treasurer’s Office

7.2 Client Steps:  Bureau of Fire and Protection for fire clearance​​​​​​​ 
Processing Time:  1 Day​​​​​​​
Person Responsible: Bureau of Fire and Protection Chief / In-Charge 
8 Client Steps:  Return to the Building Permit In-charge: Receive and record all the documents submitted.​​​​​​​
Agency Action:  Receive and record all the documents submitted.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:  None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:  5 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible: Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
9 Client Steps:   Wait while the Electrical Permit is processed.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action:   Process the Electrical Permit.
9.1 Agency Action:   Advice the client to return after processing.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:   None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:   5 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office 
9.2 Agency Action:   Review &Sign the Electrical Permit.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:   None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:   5 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office 
9.3 Agency Action:   The Electrical Permit forwarded to the Building Official for approval.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:   None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:   2 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office 
9.4 Agency Action:   Approve the Electrical Permit.    ​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:   None​​​​​​​
Processing Time:   5 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  City Engineer from the City Engineer’s Office
10 Client Steps:   Return to Building   Permit In-Charge.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action:   Release the approved Electrical Permit to the client.​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:   None ​​​​​​​
Processing Time:   3 Minutes​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
10.1 Client Steps:   Get the approved Electrical Permit.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Agency Action:   Request the client to sign the releasing logbook.    ​​​​​​​
Fees to be Paid:   None    ​​​​​​​
Processing Time:   1 Minute​​​​​​​
Person Responsible:  Engineer II from the City Engineer’s Office
10.2 Client Steps:   Sign the releasing logbook.    ​​​​​​​

Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 2 Days, 1 Hour, 8 Minutes