Issuance of Certification as Ambulant or Transient Vendor
Issuance of Certification as Ambulant or Transient Vendor
Transient Vendors and/or Ambulant Vendors, who are included in the list of transient vendors and ambulant vendors who passed the screening of applicants conducted by the Public Market Office, may request Certification on their status as
Transient Vendors or Ambulant Vendors, as the case may be, as proof of permission from the Market Management for them to occupy areas of the market premises designated for that purpose.
Office or Division: Public Market Office ( PMO )
Classification: G2B – Government to Business
Type of Transaction: Complex
Who May Avail: Transient Vendor and Ambulant Vendors. Those who qualify to rent space at Public Market Office.
Willingness to pay the market fees for occupancy of market premises ten (10) percent higher than the rates imposed under Section 29, Chapter V of the Market Code, and fifty (50) percent are higher during city fiesta celebration and another special occasion from the Public Market Office.
Steps | Service Details |
1 | Client Steps: Approach PMO and signify intention to apply as Transient Vendor or Ambulant Vendor Agency Action: Present logbook to the client for signature. Application Form. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 3 Minutes Person Responsible: Market Specialist IV of the Public Market Office |
2 | Client Steps: Answer interview questions truthfully, and fill in the application form and Receive Certification. Agency Action: Write down the answers of the client, If the client has all qualifications and has filled up the application form, include his/her name down in the list of ambulant or transient vendors who may occupy designated market premises, Issue Certificate. If the client does not possess the qualifications, notify him/her of the reason for his/her disqualification. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Hour Person Responsible: Market Specialist IV of the Public Market Office |
Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes