Student External Scholarship Grant Assistance
This service is granted to students enrolled in Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College who qualify to any external scholarship or grant. Requirements may change subject to the granting agency’s / sponsor’s guidelines.
Office or Division: Office of Student Affairs - Scholarship and Welfare Office
Classification: Highy Technical
Type of Transaction: G2C - Government to Citizen
Who May Avail: All GADTC Students who qualifies the program
CHED Scholarship and Grants
(Full Merit Scholar, Partial Scholar, Tulong Dunong Grantee)
- Notice of Award from the CHED Regional Office
- Certificate of Registration from the College Registrar
- Validated Student ID from the College Registrar
- Statement of Account from the College Accounting Office
- SPA and ID (if by representative) from the Representative of the Grantee
- Other Documentary Requirements as advised by CHED
TES grant:
- Approved Masterlist of Grantees issued by UniFast and Commission of Higher Education from the UNIFAST/OSA
- Certificate of Registration/Study Load from the College Registrar
- Validated Student ID from the College Registrar
- SPA and ID (if by representative) from the Representative of the Grantee
- Other documentary requirements as per advised by the UniFAST
Other External Scholarship/Grants
- Notice of Award/any proof of documents that validates as approved recipient of the grant/scholarship from the Other externalagencies
- Certificate of Registration
- Validated Student ID from the College Registrar
- SPA and ID (if by representative) from the Representative of the grantee
- Other documentary requirements as advised by the granting institution/company from the College Registrar
Steps | Service Details |
1 | Client Steps: Inquire the procedure in availing the external scholarship grant Agency Action: Present the procedural details of external scholarship grants and advise the student-applicant to keep posted on the call of application. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 15 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
1.1 | Agency Action: Upon receipt of Notice from the granting agency, post Advisory or Call for Application for any external scholarship or grant Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 15 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
2 | Client Steps: Within the Call of Application, submit documentary requirements stipulated in the list of requirements and/or announcement posted. Agency Action: Receive and evaluate the submitted documentary requirements. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 15 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
2.1 | Agency Action: Submit request to CISO for extraction of data as required by the granting agency for the submission of student-applicant. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 15 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
2.2 | Agency Action: Extract student-applicant records from GADTC Information System Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 3 Hours Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from College Information and System Office |
2.3 | Agency Action: Upon receipt of the extracted records, input data on the template provided by the granting agency Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 7 Days Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
2.4 | Agency Action: For TES applicant, request Guidance and Admission Office for the data on financial capacity of the student applicant Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 15 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
2.5 | Agency Action: Provide data on financial capacity of student-applicants Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 1 Day Person Responsible: Guidance Coordinator from the Guidance and Admission Office |
2.6 | Agency Action: As per advisory of the granting agency, submit masterlist of student-applicants based on the template provided through the portal. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 6 Days Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
3 | Client Steps: Wait for the Notice of Award or approved Masterlist posted. Agency Action: Evaluate, approved student-applicants and issue Notice of Award (for non-TES) to student-applicant or provide Masterlist of Approved Applicants to GADTC (for TES) Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 2 Months Person Responsible: Granting Agency |
3.1 | Agency Action: Upon receipt of the Approved Masterlist of student-applicants, post in the bulletin board including requirements needed as provided by the granting agency. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 15 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
4 |
For Approved Scholar/Grantee Client Steps: Submit Notice of Award (for non-TES) or any documentary requirements stipulated in the advisory or announcement (for TES) to the Scholarship Office |
4.1 | Agency Action: Inform scholar/ grantee for any deficiencies of the documents submitted then return the documents and advise the applicant to comply the deficiencies Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 25 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
5 | Client Steps: Wait for the validation or approval of the documents submitted Agency Action: Compile, photocopy and submit the batch of documentary requirements of the scholars/grantees to the granting agency and wait for any feedback or notification. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 5 Days Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
5.1 | Agency Action: Validate submitted documentary requirements and provide validated list of scholars/grantees Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 2 Months Person Responsible: Granting Agency |
5.2 | Agency Action: Upon receipt of the Official and validated scholars/ grantees from the granting agency, post the list of approved grantees on the bulletin board and send notice of approval to students thru text or email. Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: 5 Minutes Person Responsible: Assistant Professor I from the Scholarship and Welfare Office |
6 | Client Steps: Receive the text or email the notice of approval. Agency Action: None Fees to be Paid: None Processing Time: None Person Responsible: None |
Total Fees to be Paid: None
Total Processing Time: 4 Months, 19 Days, 5 Hours and 15 Minutes